Art has a unique capacity to encourage, heal and empower!

Why is Art Education important?
Engaging in the acts of imagination and self-expression at the heart of the expressive arts changes outlooks, imparts confidence and self-worth, and enhances emotional, cognitive and social well-being.
The arts have a unique power to engage students, commit them to learning, and invoke and develop deep cognitive processes that are essential to thinking and learning in general.
Art practice fosters experimentation, risk and resilience, it encourages curiosity and play, and teaches self-discipline and persistence.
Participation in the arts cultivates the agency and the voice required to join in a democratic society where everyone has the right to be heard and to contribute to the culture.

We believe that access to art and creative education and expression is important for EVERYONE in society. But certain groups, marginalised because of poverty, religion, gender, caste, have limited or no access to it at all.
This is where we focus our work, where there is greatest need and where we can make the greatest difference to individual lives.
The gleam in his eyes indicated that it had been a life changing experience for him and he has started to dream colorful dreams.
- Geetan Batra, Salaam Baalak Trust

workshop days
hours of engagement
for each Teaching Programme participant
care homes, centres & communities
Resilience, positive outlooks and emotional stability.
Artistic Skills
Making expressive artworks with a strong grasp of art media, methods and knowledge.
Creative Thinking
Unique perspectives, original stories and innovation.
We focus on three outcome areas to assess the impact of our programmes:
In one year at Artreach...
Success Stories

'When we get other kinds of jobs, there is not much satisfaction because we aren't doing what we like in our career. I like doing art because it gives me satisfaction. I would also like to teach children'
Interning with Anni Kumari

'Artreach helped me to get a job that lets me do art everyday. I am constantly in an atmosphere where I am learning different techniques from Vandana Mam. I really think that I am improving day by day because I am able to learn so many new skills and to do them precisely.'
Apprenticing with Vandana Kothari and studying for art college entrance

'In this course I am learning so many new things: logo design, live drawing and soon we will also learn about softwares. After the course I want to work as a professional graphic designer .'
Graphic Design course at NavGurukul Foundation, Pune and interning at Talianna Studio

‘I will keep trying to move forward with this company, I hope to contribute my best work and effort. I would like to thank Peter sir and Artreach team for providing me this opportunity.’
Working at Talianna Studio

'As I wanted to do designing it was a great learning experience, like an art coaching for me for my entrance. We learned sketching, perspective and my favourite was the portrait of ourselves – everyone did their own thing and added a touch of their own personality into the portrait, it was the best activity that I did in Artreach.'
Studied at NIFT, Mumbai

'Thank you for your efforts towards me and the Artreach sessions which has provided me with good exposure and it has also helped me in excelling in my entrance exam of NID. The courses here are very interesting and most of them are similar to the activities we did in Artreach. I am glad that I got the opportunity to be part of the sessions.'
Studying design at NID Ahmedabad
All of us just love Artreach and the kind of scope it brings to our children.
- Kiran Modi, Udayan Care
Providing the children with access to quality education is key to the development of their potential and their future success. Quality education is not only going to a good school… it is also providing them opportunities to learn, discover their skills, their talents and express themselves.
- Basanti, TARA Homes
Through a qualitative study conducted with the participants of our Teaching Fellowship from TARA Homes
88% say workshops gave them more imagination
83% say they learnt new skills, were inspired by new ideas
83% say workshops gave them more motivation
77% reported increased confidence and focus
72% reported better communication skills